Kidstruments are weird and wonderful instruments, designed by children. The aim of this work is to connect young people with the contemporary live music scene through the design of new and novel musical instruments. 

Kidstruments is a collaboration between children, musicians, artists and festival-goers. This is a project that is interactive and collaborative, promotes invention, and helps to connect inter-generational audiences within a festival context.

KIDSTRUMENTS LIVE is a concert featuring instruments designed by children and played by the finest musicians in the world. Accomplished musicians perform with real-life versions of the very strangest of instruments designed by kids. A family music event where the instruments are weird and the music is great!

The live performance include pre-show workshops with children where they can create their very own Kidstrument!

You can currently play over 100 Kidstruments online here.

Go to PLAYABLE STREETS BACKSTAGE for presentation information including:

  • Touring party

  • Technical information

  • Travel requirements

  • Presentation case studies

Kidstruments Workshops

Design your very own Kidstrument

Creative Team: Developed by Playable Streets & Steph Hughes- Design by Glen Walton and Tony Lin - Fabrication by Madeline Griffith, Raven Mahon, Steph Hughes, Glen Walton, Tony Ouyang - Tech by Bob Jarvis & Tony Ouyang - Sound Design by Cayn Borthwick - Written by Miles O’Neil, Holly Austin and Glen Walton - Performance Direction by Miles O’Neil - Baflutti: Holly Austin - Snackadaka: Glen Walton - Workshop Facilitators: Edwina Atkins, Glen Walton - Collaborating Musicians: I Hold The Lion’s Paw, Reuben Lewis, Emily Bennett, Ronny Ferella - Big thanks to Kate Perman, Jamie Houge.